Getting Started with AgileHRMS

Welcome to AgileHRMS! 

This guide introduces the essential features, helping you quickly set up and integrate the system into your daily operations. Ideal for business owners, HR professionals, and team leaders, it covers everything from initial login to dashboard customization, ensuring a smooth start to efficient HR management.

If you don’t want to go through the whole article, skip to each section (that you need)

  1. Onboarding & Navigation
  2. Adding employees & info 
  3. Leave allocation + policies 
  4. Add attendances
  5. Process Payroll
  6. Performance mgt
  7. Reporting & Analytics
  8. Customizing 
  9. Exploring on your own

1. Onboarding & Navigation

Creating an account and Logging in

Verify your email address and give the necessary information about your company and yourself.

How to navigate the system

You have created the account. Now, what to do? 

If you know HR systems, you know which features to look for. Just search 🙂

We call this “Awesomebar”. It helps you to navigate anywhere in the system, find documents, reports, settings, create new records, and many more things.

You can press “Ctrl” + “G” to access the search bar easily.

Workspace lists are shown in the left sidebar. You can find the key sections from here. However, searching for a specific feature might be faster.

2. Creating Users and Employee

To create employees we recommend you to create a user first.

Let’s go to the “Users” workspace to create users. Click on the “Users” shortcut.

You will see the list of users. 

Click on “+ Add User” in the top right corner.

Give that user’s email and first name, and select the Role.

You can also customize roles & permissions later

Tip: You can filter out the data and user. You can also use the advanced filter. Be sure to click on the cross (X) button to clear the filter, in case some data is not being shown.

For adding employees, you don’t need to select a role. You can also create custom roles with permission by yourself.

Search for “New Employee”. Then go to the “User Details” section to connect the User ID.

Setting up a login password

Click on a user. Go to Settings. Click on Change Password and set a password. Then, click on the “Save” button.

Now, employees can log in and give attendance/leave requests. Or update the employee details on their own (If the employee self-service role is selected).

Employee Records Management

While creating an employee, you will need to give the following data: Name, Series of numbering, Gender, Data of Birth, and Date of Joining. If you are connecting the employee to log in to the app, you should create and connect his/her User ID. 

Under the “Company details” section, you should add who this employee reports to and Designation. Also, remember to add the expense and leave approvers. 

3. Leave Allocation & Policies

Before you allow employees to apply for leave, you need to set up a Holiday list, Leave Policy, and Leave Allocation. 

Holiday List

Go to “Holiday List”, and create a new Holiday list by clicking on the “+ Add Holiday List” or “Create your first Holiday List” button. 

Give it a name and select the date.

Now, go to the “Add Weekly Holidays” section, and select the weekdays. Then, click on the “Add to Holidays” button.

Then, go to the “Add Local Holidays” section and select the country for this company. Then, click on “Add to Holidays”. Now, you are set up with the basic holidays. You can also edit the holiday list.

Now, you can add this holiday list to the company or the employees.

Go to “Companies” and select your company. Then select your Holiday List from the Default Holiday List.

Tips: you can create multiple Holiday lists for different types of workers, such as factory workers and office staff.

Leave Policy

Click on “Add Leave Policy” to Create a new Leave Policy. 

Click on the Leave Type box to add a leave type. Then put the allocated number in the Annual Allocation column. To add more leave types, click on “Add Row”. When the leaves are added, click on “Save”. Then click on “Submit” to submit this leave policy.

Go to “New Leave Policy Assignment”. Select an employee and the leave policy, and the date. Then, click on “Save”. Then, Submit this.

Managing Leave and Time-off Requests

Once the Employee applies for leave, an email is sent to the Leave Approver for approval. To allow notification, configure the Leave Approval Notification Template from HR Settings.

Also, please set the default Email Account from Users’ Settings > Email Account.

To approve/reject a Leave Application, you need to change the Leave status and then click on “Submit”. 

4. Attendance

Using AgileHRMS, you have multiple options for adding the attendance of employees. You can ask employees to give requests for attendance, mark attendance by their managers, or have attendance import or connect an attendance device.

Go to Shift & Attendance > Attendance, and click on Attendance Request to check attendance requests from employees.

You can also mark the attendance by yourself. Click on “Attendance” to Mark attendance for multiple days or Add attendance for a single day, for 1 employee.

Use the Employee attendance tool for marking multiple employees’ attendance for a single day.

You can also bulk upload attendance. For this, click on “Upload Attendance”, then Download the Template CSV file. Then, you can upload the completed data file into AgileHRMS again.

5. Process Payroll

To process Payroll with AgileHRMS, you need to complete these steps:

  • Define Payroll Period (optional)
  • Define Income Tax Slab (optional)
  • Create Salary Structure with Salary Components (Earnings and Deductions)
  • Assign Salary Structures to each Employee via Salary Structure Assignment
  • Generate Salary Slips via Payroll Entry.
  • Book the Salary in your Accounts.

Make sure that Employees are created.

Create Salary Component

Go to “New Salary Component”. Give it a name and Abbreviation. Select a type- Earning or Deduction, based on the type of this component. You can also add Condition & Formula, Company, and choose if this is a flexible benefit.

Payroll Period

Create a “New Payroll Period”. Give the period a name and select the Start and End dates.

Income Tax slab

Go to “New Income Tax Slab”. Give this a name and select the effective date of this tax slab. Then enter the tax slabs in the “Taxable Salary Slabs”. To add more rows, click on the “Add Row” button. Then, click on the “Save” button. Finally, click on “Submit” to submit this income tax slab.

Salary Structure

Go to “New Salary Structure”, and add the name and other necessary data. Then, add the earnings and deduction components and the Amounts. You can also select the mode of payment and payment account. Then, click on “Save” and then Submit this.

Payroll & Salary Slip

Go to Payroll>Payroll Entry and click on “+Add Payroll Entry”. Then select the company and Payroll frequency. Then, click on the start date to indicate which month you are paying for. Then, click on Get Employees. Then, click on “Create Salary Slips”. Finally, click on “Submit Salary Slip” to submit the salary slips for the selected employees.

You can also add salary slips separately for individual employees.

Payroll Reports

Go to Payroll > Payroll Entry or Salary Slip to check the submitted payroll and salary slips. You can also go to Salary Register to select a specific date range. Alternatively, you can also go to Salary Payout to go to Salary Slip.

6. Performance Management

You need to define the KRAs and Feedback Criteria for employee rating. KRA means Key Result Areas, for evaluating employee performance. 

Appraisal Template

Go to Performance > Appraisal Template and click on “+ Add Appraisal Template”. Then give it a Title name and add the KRAs by clicking on Add Row and selecting the text box. Also, set their weightage. 

If you didn’t create any KRAs, you can easily create KRA from here by clicking on “Create a new KRA” after selecting the text box. 

Then, add the Rating Criteria.

Appraisal Cycle

Go to New Appraisal Cycle. Give the name and details, then select the KRA Evaluation Method (Automated/Manual). 

Go to the “Applicable For” section and click on the “Get Employees” button. Then, click on the “Create Employees” button to create the appraisals. 

View the Goals button will take you to the goals linked to the Appraisal Cycle. 

KRA & Goal Evaluation

There are 2 KRA Evaluation Methods: Automated and Manual. With the automated system, your goal completion percentage will be automatically calculated based on the goal progress. The goal score is based on the weighted score of the goals and their progression. 

With manual rating, you will be able to manually enter their scores for each goal. The score will be adjusted based on their weightage.

Employee Performance Feedback

Employee Performance Feedback document allows reviewers to rate an employee based on specific criteria and write feedback regarding the employee's performance.

With the reviews, you can check the reviewer and designation and the average rating of the employee. You can click on the link icon to open the entire Feedback document. 

Self Appraisal

Employees can also rate themselves and add their own reflections from the “Self Appraisal” section. Like in previous cases, the score will depend on the weightage against each criterion. 

The final appraisal score is an average of the Goal Score, Avg Feedback Score, and Self Appraisal Score.

7. Checking Reports & Analytics

Reports and Analytics can be accessed under each section, such as Recruitment, Employee Lifecycle, Shift & Attendance, etc. 

You can also directly search for “Report List” and go to your desired reports. Depending on the type of report, you will be able to customize or edit options. Click on “Show Report” to view the report. You will need to select a date range for viewing the report.

8. Customizing Dashboard and Settings

You can access the dashboard inside each section. You can also search for a specific dashboard or go to “Dashboard List” and select the one you need. Then, click on the “Show Dashboard” button to view that specific dashboard. 


You can customize the view in multiple ways. Click on the “Edit” button in any workspace. Click on the Six dotted icons to reorder the sidebar elements. Similarly, you can rearrange the central shortcuts. If you are satisfied with the changes, click on the “Save” button, otherwise click on “Discard” to cancel the current changes. 

You can also go to “Settings” to check the settings options for this workspace. 

Theme Change

You can set the theme of your desk to Dark, Light, or Automatic. To do that go to Users and select the user you want to change the theme for. Then go to the Settings section and select the Desk Theme.


Go to HR > HR Settings (under Settings section) to access the HR settings. You can change the basic Human Resource options from here. 

Apart from HR settings, you can also go to individual feature settings, e.g. Payroll Settings, Leave Settings, Hiring Settings, Shift Settings, etc to change their options. 

9. Explore

As mentioned earlier you can search for any features. We recommend that you continue to explore on your own. If you feel stuck or want to seek guidelines, you can also check our other support articles to learn more about the system and its features. 

If you need any help, you can always reach out to our support team for queries and setup. 


As you reach the end of this guide, you should now feel confident in navigating our HRMS software. The journey doesn’t end here – our system is designed to grow and adapt to your organization. Remember, our support team is always here to assist you with any queries or needs.